Stop the Bleed Course is available for participants to further enhance their knowledge and skills. Bleeding injuries can happen anytime anywhere to anyone. This course teaches participants how to request help, treat and deal with bleeding injuries while waiting for a higher level of care. This course describes the three ways to control bleeding in an emergency. By taking this course you will have a better understanding on how to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound, wound packing to control bleeding, and how to correctly apply a TQ.

Participants learn how to identify different types of bleeding, gain confidence in wound-packing as well as proper placement and correct use of a combat application tourniquet by experienced license professionals.

You will gain professional HANDS-ON skills training and experience in how to stop the bleeding and stop the dying. In the wake of several recent events, the need for the public to be informed and educated in how to Stop the Bleed® is critical. The continuing violence in our nation, in places like schools, churches, along with other locations where people should feel safe, Stop the Bleed® program continues to empower the general public to make a difference in a life-threatening emergency.

The Stop The Bleed program teaches participants how to:

  • Assess the safety of the scene

  • Take standard precautions using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • Evaluate a person to determine whether they have life-threatening bleeding

  • Activate EMS and/or your emergency action plan (EAP)

  • Stop life-threatening bleeding by manual pressure, wound packing, and/or applying a tourniquet

Working together we can save more lives. YOU can be a rescuer. The Life you save could be your own. Make a difference in their community by being ready to jump into action. Become a life Saver. We encourage all members who participate in this program to bring these lifesaving techniques to their communities.

Having knowledge of first aid and CPR/AED can save lives. If your child or loved one isn't breathing, knowing how to perform CPR can mean the difference between life and death. Emergencies can strike at any time, and it may take several minutes before help arrives. CPR is a life-saving technique that helps maintain blood flow to the brain and heart which can help "buy time" until medically trained professionals arrive with more advanced care. Angel Medical Academy LLC offers professional certified training which will provide the knowledge, confidence and skills to stay calm in a medical emergency to help a person in need.

***Graphic images of injury will be shown during class. STOP THE BLEED® is a national campaign. It is a public/private partnership led by the Department of Defense.***

The Bleeding Control Kits available for purchase.